The Way of Cain
The Way of Cain and Our National Crisis
Jude warned against the evil influence in the church of those who have walked “in the way of Cain”, and “have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit” [v. 11]. Bad stuff. Aren’t you glad we don’t have any of those around today? Hmmm…
In recent weeks we have all been sobered somewhat by the news of the economic crisis, and staggered at the price tag of trying to “bail out” troubled financial institutions. Now we hear that even that will not be enough, and we may be facing some bleak years economically, perhaps harder than any time since the World War II rationing days, or even the depression era days of our grandparents and great-grandparents. Most Americans are worried, and a few are panicking or gripped with fear. Nothing gets a man’s attention like reaching for his wallet. Many love living the “good life”, and therefore devote themselves to accumulating the money that allows them to live it. Even for many relatively poor people, there is nothing more important than “making a living”. After all, “a man has to live”. Whatever can make money is justified, even if it involves corruption or immorality or taking advantage of our fellowman. We don’t mind running “greedily in the error of Balaam for profit”.
Laying up treasure on the earth has become an obsession with our nation and its people. And so anything that threatens our greedy way of money making will become THE national priority. We have to fix this and fix it now!
But we are like Cain in Gen. 4. He told the Lord, “My punishment is greater than I can bear”. He wanted deliverance from the punishment of his sin, but he did not care about deliverance from his sin. We want to fix [or want others to fix] the consequences of our extravagant, materialistic behavior, but we don’t really want to correct our behavior! We want to be delivered from the effects of our greed, but we reserve our right to still be greedy! God help us to see through spiritual eyes!
Larry Walker
October 2008