This One Thing David Desired
One Thing King David Desired
Nestled in an amazing testimony of trust in God is this statement by David: “One thing I have desired of Jehovah, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of Jehovah and to inquire in His Temple” (Ps 27:4).
Too often we think only on the physical level, thus concluding here that David wanted to live in the physical temple/house of the Lord. Instead, the King is longing for a spiritual relationship with his Lord, to behold His beauty in a continual communion, a fellowship with His God that bears daily fruit in his life, a companionship with his Savior that is unlike any other in this world.
David knew very well that in His father’s house were the most glorious riches of strength by the indwelling of Christ and a love that has no dimensions and fills us with the fullness of God (Ep 3:14-19). It is here that Jesus said were “many mansions/dwellings” (Jn 14:2), access to which He would go to prepare through the cross. In this realm (the house and eternal kingdom of the Lord) all may dwell right now in utter delight and full fellowship with God (I Jn 1:1-3).
It is here, before our Heavenly Father, that we have an Advocate pleading the case for our sins (I Jn 2:1,2). It is in His house that He is our High Priest, so that we can with boldness by His blood enter into the most Holy Place before our God. It is here, in our Father’s presence, that certain character traits result in acceptable daily behavior (I Ti 3:15) as well as continual praise in His house (Mt 21:13).
In this spiritual house/realm (I Pe 2:5) we can be continually in the awesome presence of Jehovah, our God. Here we can “inquire in His Temple” about everything pertaining to life and godliness - truly Jesus learned the value of continual prayer with the Father. In such a relationship we too will humbly lift up the Lord in our hearts and lives, the evidence of which the world will see and recognize, bowing down to worship and say that “God is truly among you” (I Co 14:25).
David continues (Ps 27:5), “For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.” When His children lift Him up in their living, He sets them on a rock that cannot be moved. The beauty of our Lord is plainly visible in His absolute love, care and provision for His children at all times.
When His saints desire this continual fellowship with Him, they are safe from all harm under His Almighty Wing. What a special companionship it is, a glorious and honorable communion, a lovely relationship which has no equal. This one thing David desired above all else - truly a lofty, worthy, and attainable goal! Nothing could be more fruitful or rewarding in this life!
- Jay K. Guyer January ‘09