Rulers and the Lord's Saints
Rulers & The Lord’s Saints
As citizens of these United States we are privileged/plagued with an election process. Through past ages, many saints, who faithfully served Jehovah God never had the honor of selecting their leaders. Some lived under gentle kings, rulers and emperors, while others faced horrible and merciless dictators. Nevertheless, in all those circumstances some saints remained holy to The Most Holy Lord.
Our founding fathers intended that we, the people, would take our freedom seriously and participate in our nation’s well-being both physically and spiritually before the Lord. That we would remember the sacrifice made and conduct ourselves responsibly, knowing that each of us would one day give account to the Great Judge of all the earth. That we would not expect our “government” to provide for our wants and even our needs. That the war they won to declare independence and establish this nation would long be remembered, appreciated and maintained. That we would not only be a people of godly character, but expect the same of our leaders.
Among our politicians character is almost never discussed or debated, much less seen in their lives. Why are we, the people, rarely questioning the character of those running for offices? Are we more concerned with the rhetoric and “promises” than with the character behind in all? Have we not become like our politicians, greedy for what is in it for me? Are we not demonstrating how weak our faith is by leaving Jehovah God out of this equation? Is there not something that professed believers in God can do?
Often we pray that our government will “continue granting us freedom to worship and serve the Lord.” We should always bear in mind that “freedom” will not make us better and more faithful people. Many, who have gone before us, who suffered greatly for their convictions, demonstrated great faith, when the winds were contrary. Their trust in God grew tremendously because they truly wanted to serve the Lord and had to fight for it.
Of a few things we can be certain, yes, there are some things I can do. First, my covenant relationship to and faith in the Lord will be tested - is it authentic and genuine, like that of Daniel and his friends (Dn 3:1-25)? Second, the Lord continually provides opportunities (like in our elections) for me to demonstrate my holiness - am I using such opportunities to honor a Holy God (I Pe 1:13-15)? Third, I should know that the one taking office will have that authority only by the will of Almighty God, and thus will give account to Him (Ro 13:1-6). Fourth, I must honor the one to whom my God has given power (Ro 13:7). Fifth, I need to remember that Jehovah God will continue ruling in "Kingdom of men" (Dn 4:32-37) accomplishing His will until time is no more.
While I have difficulty submitting to and honoring the dishonest and dishonorable (and perhaps even the honest & honorable), that still remains my lot and my accountability. I must prepare myself in this role and encourage others in the same - to this and all other suffering, like the Lord, Himself, I have been called (I Pe 2:19-23). I fear that we are spoiled and have forgotten the cost by which our freedoms have come to us. I also fear we are trying to hide ourselves from exposure and responsibility. Every morning I see an ostrich in a farm field lying down hiding behind something. At a distance his head is visible, but the closer I come to him, the more he seems threatened and hides his head from my view. Do I think I can hide from my ability to respond and take a stand?
It is time for saints to demonstrate their holiness before the Lord, quit looking greedily for what politicians say they will provide, find ways to serve Jehovah God, ways to serve our country and all people in the “Kingdom of men.” It is time for the world to know that righteousness is alive and well in the Saints of the Lord! jkg 10/8/08